Today in Nursery we have really enjoyed Airport Day!

We have been out in our garden pretending our bus is a plane looking out onto the sea! We have also been running round the yard pretending to be aeroplanes and making the “n” sound.

Then we joined the rest of the big boys and girls on the Key Stage 2 yard to be part of the whole school video!

We have also had our lunch on trays like you would on the aeroplane, this was really fun!

We have also listened to a story all about a little boy called Jack who went on his holidays and what he did at the airport. After that we got to play with the pop up model of the airport and pretend to be Jack!

As well as all these exciting things, we got to release our butterflies and watch them fly away!

I)We have had a fantastic day all dressed up as different people from the airport.

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