World Space Week

World Space Week

The children participated at the county level in the event World Space Week with the models “With little, with great … through the Universe”  and “Space unites the world!”. 

Outdoor role-playing ”Travelling with Rainbow Airways in Europe”

Outdoor role-playing ”Travelling with Rainbow Airways in Europe”

Outdoor role-playing ”Travelling with Rainbow Airways in Europe” it involved all the children in kindergarten. The impact of the activity on children was huge with specific science and language competences as: knowledge of some countries in Europe with specific language elements; respecting and applying certain rules of politeness and protection and security when traveling by plane; knowing the temporal duration of a flight by plane from one destination to another; recognition of simple items that a plane ticket must contain – for example the passenger’s name, the number of the seat on the plane, the number of luggage accepted.

Role-playing game “By plane travel” in the classroom

Role-playing game “By plane travel” in the classroom

The role-playing game “By Plane Travel” has as main objectives: to know and to respect the norms necessary for the integration in the social life, as well as rules of personal security when traveling by plane; · to appreciate in certain situations of flight some behaviors and attitudes in relation to predetermined and known norms; – to fulfill the roles of stewardess, passenger, pilot.

Recipes for Rainbow airways

Recipes for Rainbow airways

European Menu_No. 1  Snack Recipe_”Monster” Sandwich




The amount

Mod de preparare

Method of preparation/ photos

Pâine toast integrală

Wholemeal toast bread

1 felie

1 slice

Se taie felia de paine în două triunghiuri. Pe o felie de paine  se întinde pasta de branză, după care se asează o felie de salam, două bucăți de cascaval si cealaltă bucată de paine. Cele două felii de castravete si cele două bucăți de măsline vor fi asezate deasupra celei de-a doua felii de paine pentru a contura ”chipul monstrului”. Poftă bună!!!

Slice bread into two triangles. On a slice of bread spread the cheese paste, then place a slice of salami, two pieces of cheese and the other piece of bread. The two slices of cucumber and the two slices of olives will be placed on top of the second slice of bread to outline the “monster face”.

Good appetite!!!

Pastă de brânză

Cheese paste

2 lingurițe

2 teaspoons

Cascaval feliat

Slice of cheese

4 felii

4 slices

Salam feliat

Slice of ham

1 felie

1 slice



2 felii

2 slices



2 bucăți

2 pieces

European Menu_No. 2  Snack Recipe_”Traffic lights” Sandwich




The amount

Mod de preparare

Method of preparation/ photos

Pâine toast integrală

Wholemeal toast bread

1 felie

1 slice

Se taie felia de paine în două dreptunghiuri. Pe o felie de paine  se obțin 3 cercuri, aranjate asemănător cadranului unui semafor, cu ajutorul unei forme de bucătărie, iar miezul se scoate din felie. Pe cealaltă felie de paine se asează o felie de branză topită și o felie de suncă, după care se asează ca top felia de paine cu cele trei cercuri. Legumele, respectiv rosia, ardeiul galben si ardeiul verde, vor fi asezate în locul miezului scos din felia de paine carese află deasupra, pentru a contura ”luminile semaforului”. Poftă bună!!!

Cut the slice of bread into two rectangles. On a slice of bread are obtained 3 circles, arranged similar to the dial of a traffic light, with the help of a kitchen form, and the core is removed from the slice. On the other slice of bread sit a slice of melted cheese and a slice of ham, and then place the top slice of bread with the three circles. The vegetables, namely tomato, yellow pepper and green pepper, will be placed in place of the core removed from the slice of bread that is on top, to outline the “traffic light”. Good appetite!!!


Brânză topită felii

Melted sliced cheese

1 felie

1 slice

Suncă feliată

Ham sliced

1 felie

1 slice

Rosii cherry

Cherry tomatoes

1 bucată

1 piece

Ardei galben

Yellow pepper

2 felii

2 slices

Ardei verde

Green pepper

2 felii

2 slices

European Menu_No. 3  Snack Recipe_”ZOO” Sandwich




The amount

Mod de preparare

Method of preparation/ photos

Pâine toast integrală

Wholemeal toast bread

20 felii

20 slice

Pe toate cele 2o de felii de paine se intinde untul in strat subțire, după care se asează salamul si cascavalul taiate in diferite forme în asa fel încat sa se contureze capul unui animal de la zoo, respectiv cap de urs, pisică sălbatică, maimuță etc.   Oul, castarvetele si măslinele se vor folosi pentru a contura ochii, botul, urechile, mustățile animalului de la ZOO. Poftă bună!!!

On all 2o slices of bread spread the butter in a thin layer, after which the salami and cheese are cut into different shapes so as to shape the head of an animal from the zoo, respectively bear head, wild cat, monkey etc. . The eggs, cucumbers and olives will be used to shape the eyes, nose, ears, mustaches of the ZOO animal. Good appetite!!!



200 grame

200 grams

Salam felii

Ham sliced

250 grame

250 grams

Cascaval felii

Cheese sliced

1 felie

1 slice



2 bucăți

2 pieces



150 grame

150 grams



100 grame

100 grams

European Menu_No. 4  Fruits Juice Recipe_”Rainbow” Juice




The amount

Mod de preparare

Method of preparation/ photos



1 kg/ 1000 grame

1 kg/ 1000 grame



Fructele se spală cu apă rece, se înlătură samburii sau cojile tari de la nuci, după care se asează în blander. Se adaugă 2oo ml apă peste fructe după care cu ajutorul aparatului aceste ingrediente se mixează 2 minute. Fructele s-au transformat în suc. Poftă bună!!!


The fruits are washed with cold water, removed from the stems or hard shells from the nuts, then placed in a blander. Add 2oo ml of water over fruits, then mix with these ingredients for 2 minutes. The fruits turned into juice. Good appetite!!!




500 grame

500 grams



500 grame

500 grams



250 grame

250 grams



250 grame

250 grams



200 ml

200 ml

European Menu_No. 5 Forest fruits Tea_”Rainbow” Tea

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